Title: Adventures In Babysitting Word Count: 1,098 Rating: PG Summary: Emma needs some help babysitting. Who's she gonna call? Notes: Shamelessly stealing the title of this from an 80s movie, although they are vastly different. Please don't sue.
Title: Getting In A Tangle Word Count: 368 Rating: G Summary: They’d been sat for the better part of an hour trying to untangle the mess of multi coloured Christmas tree lights and, despite their efforts, they weren’t getting very far. Notes: Just something quick and festive (I'm feeling very festive). This is probably full of typos (for which I
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Home For The Holidays Characters: Emma Swan, Regina Mills, Snow White, Henry Mills Rating: G Summary: The three women in henry’s life come together for the Holidays Word Count: 360
Title: The Enemy of My Enemy Word Count: 632 Rating: C for CRACK Summary: Not much can convince Emma, Mary Margaret, and Regina to work together, but when Henry needs help, they come running without question. They soon discover that all it takes is a common enemy to get them to lay down their grudges, at least temporarily.